What Are Your Intentions?
Nearly universally people seem to be thrilled that 2017 has come to an end, and eager to begin a new year. Perhaps that is always the case, but it seems especially potent this year. Massive changes are taking place in the world, and though it seems chaotic at times, it sometimes takes a bit of chaos to create something beautiful. I think about the butterfly emerging from the cocoon. It's not a pretty or an easy process, and it must feel like a tragedy for the caterpillar when it all begins, but what emerges at the end is spectacular. Our planet and its people are going through a similar process at the moment. The past year exemplified the messy, struggling stage - the metamorphosis that is beginning. Watching all the powerful people brought down by the #MeToo movement, witnessing the massive changes being wrought by our government, the flood of refugees being displaced around the world and all the natural disasters that impacted so many this year has been tumultuous to say the least. In my own work with hazing prevention, it was devastating that four young men lost their lives to the issue we are trying desperately to end. The energies of 2018 already feel different. The wounds are being revealed and brought to the surface in order to be healed, and the healing has begun. The chrysalis has begun to open a tiny bit to let hope shine in. We still have a ways to go to fully emerge into the light, but we are beginning to see that our struggles haven't been in vain. If you are feeling discouraged, I urge you to remember that love always wins, and create intentions for the new year that support what you love and all you hope for. What you focus on expands, so turn your eyes away from what seems wrong. Let go of fear. Trust that something better is coming, and you can help bring it about by focusing on your own little corner of the world. Do what you can do, where you are. If we each focus on increasing our own vibration what a difference that would make in the world! I have written before about my disdain for New Year's resolutions since they mostly focus on what is wrong, and suggest that there are things about us that need fixing or changing. I do believe in the power of setting intentions though, and the new year is a great time to do that. I always take the first few weeks of January to dream and contemplate and simmer my desires for the coming year so I can launch them fully on my birthday - TODAY. Each year for the last several I have chosen a word or short phrase as my theme for the year. Some of them have been: ease, self love, expansion and simplicity. I want to share this year's with you. I always do some kind of visual representation to hang in my room, carry in photo form on my phone and otherwise remind me what I'm about.

Powerful energies are being brought to bear in 2018. Your energy is a significant part of that. If all you do is create powerful intentions for your own life and live into them, that is more than enough. Blessings to you as you bring more of yourself into the world. If I can be a contribution to you in any way, please reach out. May this year be your best yet!